• About Jared Kern

    This is not an official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but, the Latter-day Church of Christ, whose members are also known colloquially as Mormons, is the only true church of Jesus Christ. I strongly encourage you to join it through the waters of baptism, and continue on faithful in the gospel of our Savior Jesus Christ until the end of your days.


    The Names of God – I AM

    by  • May 27, 2013 • Hebrew, Jesus Christ • 0 Comments

    In Exodus 3:13-15 Moses asks The Lord / Yehovah what he should tell the sons, or children, of Israel when they ask him what the name of God is. There is great importance paid here, and elsewhere in the scriptures, to the names of God. In Ezekiel 39:7 we are told, “I make...

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    Charity Never Faileth

    by  • May 13, 2013 • Greek, Uncategorized • 0 Comments

    The apostle Paul tells us of all the spiritual gifts there is one which is preeminent. One which is to be desired above all others. One which will never fail. Charity, the pure love of Christ (1 Cor 13:8, 13, Moro 7:46-48). Why is charity, this pure love of Christ, head and shoulders above...

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    Choir and Zion

    by  • May 6, 2013 • Zion • 0 Comments

    Some of the most intense spiritual experiences I have felt, the joy of the spirit, have come while listening to, or singing, the songs of the restoration and other songs of Christ. Recently for example, Ye Elders of Israel filled my heart with such longing for Zion. “O Babylon, O Babylon we bid you...

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    The Garden and the Road to Emmaus

    by  • April 1, 2013 • Jesus Christ • 0 Comments

    This Easter season, I am reminded of Mary, who early on the Sabbath day, while it was still dark outside, found the tomb of Christ empty. In the darkness, as she comes close to the tomb of her beloved Lord, she perceives the stone covering the sepulcher has been removed. In the early morning...

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